I have always disliked enclosed spaces and even now get a little panicky if my face is completely covered, so the thought of having to wear a mesh mask each time radiation treatment is done, sort of freaked me out to say the least. It seemed that each test I went through lead me to the inevitable – making my mask. That day arrived and as I lay down I said “Lord you have to help me get through this” or words to that affect. A warm mesh was stretched over my face and locked into position to allow it to form to the contours of my face. I could see and breath comfortably but the feeling of being trapped caused me to panic a little. I can’t say I remember talking to God about this situation, but I’m sure I did. Looking back, I now realize that a good size nose is a good thing. The young female technicians were amazing and talked me through the whole process which didn’t take nearly as long as it seemed to me. Colored lazar beams shined everywhere and the girls talked and put sticky patches on my mask to line things up. The mask was finally removed after a small mark was tattooed in the centre of my chest to further help with the alignment. I’ve been told that mouth and eye holes will be made and that after my treatments are completed, I can keep my mask. The next joy was having an MRI which is like being pushed into a long cigar tube. Ear plugs are provided to cut down on the noise which is like something out of star wars. As I was preparing for this experience, I remembered that my sister-in-law Sylvia had phoned a day or so earlier and had said FEAR NOT is written 365 times in the Bible - that's one FEAR NOT for each day of the year. After my mask experience, I knew the MRI would be a breeze, so I decided that I would FEAR NOT and use the time to pray. I spent the 15 minutes praying and interceding for everybody I could think of and towards the end of my ‘tube time’, I asked God to restore my relationship with my wife and son. We had not spoken for a number of years and within two days of that prayer, my son Michael was sitting in my living room. My relationship with my son and his mother has now been restored much to the delight of my daughter Candice.
It is when we see God answer a prayer so swiftly, that we know He will answer the other prayers in His perfect time. Isn't God good. "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever." (Psalm 118 verses 1 & 29)