

Each day gets better although the mucus problem still exists along with the dry mouth. I understand from Princess Margaret Hospital that these problems should clear up in about two or three weeks time. I have started eating some soft food like yogurt and eggs but it is hard with almost no saliva and requires sipping water to make it possible to swallow the food. I have cut back on my morphine and only take it when my mouth or throat gets sore. My taste buds seem to be returning so I am hoping to gradually increase my food intake. Once I can go for a week of eating and not using my feeding tube, the hospital will arrange an appointment to remove the tube. I still get tired fairly quickly although the frequency of that is really improving. Overall I am feeling very encouraged with my recovery and once the radiation has worked it's way out of my body, I know that will help considerably. I would like to thank everybody who has helped me out in so many ways during this past few months. It has truly been quite amazing and overwhelming at the generosity of family and friends who have helped both financially and with the gift of time. Thanks for running my business, cleaning my house, feeding the cat and just popping by to make sure I was OK.



I had been told that the first few weeks of being home was hard, and true to form I found it quite difficult. The weekend I came home my brother Mike drove up and stayed with me and then on the Tuesday, my cousin Ted arrived from England to be my companion and helper for the next two weeks. I found that my energy level was really low and that even going to the local store made me tired. I also had problems sleeping as my throat was trying to heal itself by creating a thick coating of mucus which is hard to get rid of. I found that the only way I could sleep was sitting up and this at least gave me some relief. It was as if my throat and stomach were in a battle - as fast as one created the other expelled. I was sick quite a few times mostly during the nights. Each day got a little better and my health care nurse seemed quite please with my progress. She comes in twice a week to start with and then once a week for the duration of my healing process.
The second week I had to go back down to Princess Margaret Hospital for blood tests and a meeting with my chemo doctor. It turned out great as he was all smiles when he came in the room and shook my hand and congratulated me on my results. They don't need to see me any more as things are now normal. My next meeting is in August with the radiation doctor after I have a CT scan. I pray that the same will be true at that meeting and that I will only need to attend for regular check ups.
I am still only 'eating' via my G tube but as soon as my throat is a little better, I am going to try some regular soft food. Yes real food again.