

After hearing that I had to have surgery on my throat I could not help but be concerned. But I kept telling myself, the Lord gave me Psalm 118 verse 17 to stand on. "I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done." As well He told me through a word of knowledge from Evangelist Gordon Williams that although I was concerned about the time it was taking to heal my throat, He (the Lord) was doing it in His time and was doing it thoroughly. However the 'what it this or what if that' kept floating around in my mind.
I had just finished my hearing test in Toronto this past Tuesday and was ready to go home when Bob, my Canadian Cancer Society driver announced that we had to back to Toronto General Hospital to pick up a lady who needed a ride back to our area. After she got settled in the van we started chatting. To my absolute amazement she told me that she had just had the exact same surgery that I will be having next week. She was on her way home about 30 hours after her surgery, no bandages, just a thin red line where the incision was made and a rather sore swollen neck.
Isn't God wonderful - He knew my concerns and cared enough about me to arrange for that lady to be discharged at the exact time we were ready to leave Toronto. I never cease to be amazed at God's awesome kindness. Praise the Lord. JDL

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